April 3, 2017
Finally I did the photo shoot!! This is what went down: I was so fortunate to have been able to borrow a Canon 70D camera from my yearbook class. This way the quality of my photos would be extremely clear and high definition. I'm also able to adjust the lighting on the camera settings so I was able to brighten the photo even before it was done.
I took a lot of photos of Cayla and the makeup since I wasn't sure which type I would end up liking. Unfortunately, Carly wasn't able to make it. I'm no longer relying on her, and I switched my model to someone named Ashley. I really want the photo of the girl on my cover to look slightly older and possibly in the 19-21 age range since after all, that is the range of ages my audience encompass. So, Ashley will be able to take photos next week on Monday; which if perfect because by then, my goal of finishing my double page spread should be done.
First of all, the photo shoot was so much fun and I cannot wait to take Ashley's pictures. So, I made sure that I brought props to Cayla's house such as a fur rug, to use as a texture underneath an overhead shot of makeup, my marble laptop cover, just in case I wanted to have another option for texture, and a towel so she can lay on for photo poses. I ended up using the fur rug and not the marble case since the was slightly small, so the makeup didn't fit right.
The lighting was slightly difficult to master, but I figured it out! It was an hour before sundown, the golden hour, when I went outside to take the photos; the lighting was perfect.
Doing Cayla's makeup specifically for photos that will be featured in the table of contents was pretty difficult. Mastering the highlight/conjuring look is very hard when you are just doing it for the picture. I learned that you have to exaggerate the makeup by putting a lot more than needed on her face to even see it on the camera. That took us about 30 minutes to figure it out and perfect the look. Part of the 30 minutes was spent trying to figure out the location of the photo. I knew it would be a close up of her face, but I didn't know what white background was available that had the best lighting. After trying several areas, we figured out that the white fence was the best option. It even looked summer-y which is the theme of the July issue. These are the pictures from before figuring out the lighting and amount of makeup vs. the after! Huge difference lol.

For the second set of pictures, I laid out the make up on the fur rug in no specific order. I just left enough room around each product to be able to write the name of it and details about it on the spread. That wasn't as hard. I had mastered the lighting by then. Only thing is, I had to stand on a step stool to get a birds eye view of the makeup. Here are some of those photos:
I decided to do a last minute photo shoot with Cayla sitting around the pool and laying on the floor just in case the Ashley or Carly wouldn't be able to do it and I have no other time to take more photos. I had Cayla pose pretty candid by the pool, with a towel wrapped around her, and her feet in the pool. I took that photo so many different times, and didn't end up liking any. I moved onto another pose: her laying on the towel looking up. This is cute in theory but it didn't turn out exactly what I was expecting. Worst comes to worst, I’ll use that, but hopefully I won’t need to. Here are some of those photos:
I’m still taking more photos this weekend since I’m borrowing the camera, so my plans are to go to Target and HomeGoods and use different items from the stores to take certain photos for my table of contents. I don’t want to buy everything I use in my shoot, so why not just set it up at the store and take a quick pic? Hopefully I don’t get kicked out. Stay tuned!
Some Citations:
"Magical Light - How To Shoot During Golden Hour." Photography Concentrate. N.p., 07 Dec. 2015. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.
-Sami <3