March 20, 2017
Saturday came along and I was ready to take my photos for not only my double page spread, but also my cover. Unfortunately, the girls cancelled last minute. In most of these cases I wouldn't know what to do and get very stressed out. However, something amazing came out of them not being able to make it: Plan B… I can come up with more ideas and make my double page spread stronger than it would have been before.
Initially, I wanted to do take the photo against a white wall. But after really thinking about the photos and having to account in the lighting, I realized, the quality of these photos may not be the best. I quite worried. However, I found this amazing website that gives you tips on how to take photos on a smartphone and make them look as high quality as possible. I'm not as worried anymore, but I'm still changing up my plan. I’m going to purchase a roll of white paper and very light pink paper and use them as a backdrop in the downstairs area of my house where I get the best lightning. There is so much more space in that area and that would give me much more of an opportunity to breathe, stay calm, and take quality photos.
Let’s talk props: My overall aesthetic I’m aiming for with my photos is a very beachy vibe - relating to the outfits and hair - but at the same time, I want to have a very clean and classy look to keep the positive attention from my audience. I want my models to wear a bunch of different outfits so I can be sure that they completely match my vision for my magazine.
Here are some outfit inspiration photos along with my vision for what I want the girls to be wearing:

*off the shoulder shirt with jean frayed shorts
*beachy flowy short dress *round sunglasses
*floppy hat
So now, I’m really shooting for next Wednesday, March 29 in the afternoon to take these photos. Although it really sucks that it didn't go as I planned, I really gained from this experience and it allowed my to expand my thoughts and intentions on this project.
-Sami <3
Some Citations:
* "How To Take The Perfect Photo." How to Take Perfect Photos - An Interactive Guide from Shutterfly. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2017.
Some Citations:
* "How To Take The Perfect Photo." How to Take Perfect Photos - An Interactive Guide from Shutterfly. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2017.
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